
Contact Us

If you are a current member and have beekeeping questions, please login to the site and post your questions on our forum. Otherwise, please review the information on our website under the Beecome a Beekeeper menu. For questions about the Vermont Beekeepers Association, including policy, services, etc., (not for assistance with your bees), please choose General Information below. For technical questions about the VBA website only (dead links, password reset assistance, etc.) please choose Website Technical Assistance below.

If you have bees on or in your property and you don't know how to remove them please contact someone on the swarm collectors list. (Note that we can only provide assistance with honey bees.)

Looking for honey or related products? And, if you're interested in hosting bee hives on your property see this page

VBA Members: If you've forgotten or need to reset your website password you can do that here.


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